Lo-Fi Hip Hop : Relaxing Music that Makes You Feel Nostalgic


Currently there is one type of music that is trending because it is famous that it can make everyone who hears it more relaxed and focused. This music is known as Lo-fi hip hop music.

What makes the name of lo-fi hip hop even more famous among music lovers cannot be separated from the presence of a live streaming service from YouTube

But what is lo-fi hip hop on its own? And why is this type of music so loved?

(picture from pinterest)

“Lo-fi” means “low-fidelity,” a term for music where you can hear imperfections that would typically be considered errors in the recording process.

Lo-fi music itself is a jargon that has existed for a long time to describe music with low recording quality such as high treble usage and the amount of noise that can be heard. Lo-fi itself can apply across genres, as the term speaks to how music is recorded. It’s easy, like hearing a voice when you’re on the phone or sometimes includes environmental sounds that make it onto the track, like kids playing outside or the rustling of papers. That’s about the quality of the recording that lo-fi music provides.

Relaxing Music

Lo-fi music has the advantage of being relaxation music. Why is that? The easiest explanation to understand is that the slow tempo makes the listener relatively calm and more relax, especially when you are studying. In the normal process, this will help the brain become more focused on what it is doing. Those activities actually require a focused state of mind. So, it’s no wonder that lo-fi music or lo-fi hip hop is the best choice of listeners who need to be focused in their work or just relaxed their mind.

(picture from pinterest)

Why it Feels Nostalgic? 

Lo-fi hip hop music feels familiar as is nostalgia, another feeling that lo-fi hip hop might stir up in a listener. Most of these lo-fi music rely on a base and share combination called boom bap, a hip hop sound invented in the 80s that is stil associated with the era.

The calm offered by lo-fi hip hop music, there is also the euphoria of the past that follows. No wonder this one music is very popular and is always suitable to be used as a friend to relaxed our mind and our heart. (fk)

